Monday, September 3, 2007

Sugar Cookies. NOT Good.

Since I've been on a cupcake kick and made some really good ones, I thought that, hell, I can do sugar cookies, too!

Yeah. Not so much.

Once again, I got the recipe from the internet. Of course. Because I like to steal ideas. And then ruin them.

I won't post this recipe either. They were chewy (stale-like) and kinda hard and the icing was waaaaaaaaay too sweet. But, once again, I had fun playing with them and making semi-cute decorations.

Enjoy the pics....because we sure didn't enjoy the cookies. Mr.Tango even took some to work...and he brought them back home. Ouch.


Laura said...

Heh - well, you sure made them look pretty!!

mommiebear2 said...

Okay well at least the decorations are freaking way too cute!! My daughter would just swoon over these, but if they tasted that nad she prolly would have given it back after a bite. ;)

Anonymous said...

Laura - Thanks! Too bad they didn't taste as pretty as they looked! :)

Mommiebear - It wasn't actually BAD. Just not the best cookies ever. The icing was way sweet, so maybe your daughter would have liked them! Hehe!