Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Maiden Voyage

Holy moses, Tango Cakes made its first sale today!

Yeah. About 2 weeks after I joked, "HA! I made a dozen cupcakes all by myself! I should start a business named TangoCakes!"

*insert nervous dry heaving here*

The lady I work for is going to a big neighborhood block party Friday night and has asked me to make her some cupcakes. A dozen lemon ones...and a dozen chocolate raspberry ones.

Um, hi...I've never made either of those. UHM, HI. I've only made like a handful of cupcakes in my whole entire life!

PFFFFT!! Man, what have I gotten myself into?

And? As if that wasn't crazy enough? I'm putting a few Tango Cakes business cards into the cake boxes....ya know, in case any of the dozens of richy rich people there want to hire a cupcake business that has no idea what it's doing. I mean, honestly.

Anyone want to come hold my hand while I pretend to know how to bake cupcakes for pay?



Anonymous said...

I'll hold your hand you funny crazy baker chick! Or at least I'll text/chat with you through the whole thing. *) Way to go Tango Cakes!!!! I told you Paula Deen got her start as the "Bag Lady"!!! ((((HUGS)))).....from the crazy homeroom mom sometimes known in blogworld as "Michelle".

BetteJo said...

Wow! All I did was ask what you do with all the stuff you bake! You didn't have to go and start selling all the goods!

Congrats tho. :)

mommiebear2 said...

Whatever, you will do awesome!!!!

mommiebear2 said...

I was also going to suggest, you know Claire's cake on my blog from her party?? That was actually a cupcake cake - all cupcakes under that icing 0 you could totally do that!

jali said...


Tango Cakes said...

Newbie - Heheh! Hush. To me, you'll always be Michelle. ;) Thanks for the support! COME OVER!

Bettejo - LOL Maybe you need to ask me how I make so many millions of dollars! Maybe I'll actually start making some! :)

Mommiebear - Thank you so much! :) And I've seen those cupcake cakes! Those are kinda cool!! I'll have to make one and see how it goes.

Jali - Thankya!! :) Want a cupcake? :)